Get Saddled Up for an adventure through the countryside of St. Ann. Your Guide will share with you insights into the community, the way of life for the locals, and many beautiful flora and fauna of the area. You will be amazed by the architectural designs of some Mansions as you make your way from the rich side of Mamee Bay to the average Jamaican Community, then have a chat with the locals as you ride along. They love interacting with visitors.

The adventure continues through the Lush forest that interweaves with local fruit trees with a breathtaking surprise of the Caribbean Sea. Continue strolling along the beautiful Jamaica Coastline and listen to the waves.
After some time, it’s time to take your horse on a swim in the warm water of the Caribbean Sea. These animals are great swimmers so no need to be afraid, just watch your horse as if it’s gliding in thin air. This experience is second to none and the amazing fun and exciting experience is approximately 2 hours. At your own Leisure, after all that fun it’s time to make your way back to the stable such a great way to enjoy Jamaica!